Cross Leg kitchen table
A feature table with fantastic figured quarter sawn Oak, matching benches stitched with walnut ties all on steel powder coated leg frame.
Glazed Dresser
Glazed painted dresser. A real feature piece with traditional brass locks, hinges and escutcheons.
J Profile Painted Kitchen
Sprayed J profile Kitchen with Oak feature Bifolding lift up wall unit doors. complete with Corian tops.
My “Standard” Kitchens
It has taken me many years of working with suppliers to ensure I can supply the best, and products I am happy to put my name and reputation on.
Bespoke kitchen furniture
A kitchen table with bench seating and kitchen island style trolley.
Townhouse, Painted Farmhouse kitchen
Small in- frame style kitchen hand painted for added character. With a large contrasting feature dresser.
Contemporary Kitchen with Sliding doors
Contemporary Kitchen with sliding doors and Corian Clamshell fabricated Worktops. Sprayed black within the workshop.